Assalamua'laikum and hi-yeoms lol ;; Omg haha son siblings looks so fab with their matching sunglasses lol ahahaha sorry for my failed edit duhhhh I just love them so much keke. So yeahhhh our segment just ended hehe omg haha thanks to Aera and Jaera lol for holding this segment with me sobs *u* This is my first segment ever duhhh haha ;; Anyway congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all participants for joining our segment lol haha I love you guys tsk /throws namgreasy hearts/. So here are the winners :
Congratulations! You will be receiving a special oneshot from, Aera. Please contact her immediately on her email (use the form in my "request?" section, please) and tell her what kind of oneshot do you want. Please state these information:
● Which winner you are:
● Your name:
● Your bias (the one that will be featured with you in the oneshot):
● Genre: Romance/fluff/angst/horror/action (please choose one only)

Congratulations! You have been picked personally by, Kim Aera. You will receive a special blog review on her blog. You will also receive two headers/posters/any graphic of your choice, two set of icons and featured her blog for one month. Please contact her immediately on her email (use the form in my "request?" section, please) and state these information:
● Which winner you are:
● Information for your header/poster/any graphic of your choice (as detail as possible):
● Information for your icon sets:
● Information for your banner (I'll be featuring your blog on my sidebar, so I'll be making a banner for you too):

Congratulations! You have been picked personally by me , Son Haera. You will receive a special blog review on my blog. You will also receive two headers/posters/any graphic of your choice, two set of icons and a cursor from Aera. Please contact her immediately on her email (use the form in my "request?" section, please) and state these information:
● Which winner you are:
● Information for your header/poster/any graphic of your choice (as detail as possible):
● Information for your icon sets:
● Information for your cursor (colors, the words, etc.):

Congratulations! You have been picked personally by Ryu Jaera. You will receive a special blog review on Ryu Jaera's blog . You will also receive two headers/posters/any graphic of your choice, two set of icons and a cursor from Aera. Please contact her immediately on her email (use the form in my "request?" section, please) and state these information:
● Which winner you are:
● Information for your header/poster/any graphic of your choice (as detail as possible):
● Information for your icon sets:
● Information for your cursor (colors, the words, etc.):
These six lucky winners are also chosen by the three of us, so congratulations! You will receive a set of icons, each. Please contact Aera immediately on her email (use the form in my "request?" section, please) and state these information:
● Which winner are you:
● Information for your icon set:

These are the rest of the participants. Still, congratulations to you, and thank you for joining our segment. Your blogs will be reviewed in Aera's review blog.