Just because I miss actress Son Naeun so much /sobs/
Hello, everyone. Long time no see lol, idk that I would finally have guts to even write an update bhahahaha ooops. So yeah, it's already July and I finally have the chance to continue my study (yay, finally sobs). Nah, it's not even an IPTA but I guess it's already what we call 'rezeki' so yeah I accepted it with whole of my heart. Currently studying at Kolej Poly-tech Mara Kuala Lumpur (KPTMKL) in TESL haha lol I never imagined that I would ever stay in KL like seriously bruh. I always want to enter the famous International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) but I guess, maybe Allah have a better plan for me and I believe in what He already arranged for my future. So for now, I just go on with the flow of course and tbvh it's quite fun here. At first I felt quite.... err, culture shock I guess because it's weird for to finally stumble upon the surrounding where there's guys everywhere (bruh pls I'm from an all-girls high school). It's freaking awkward istg I can't believe it lol haha my hands trembled alot when they suddenly passed beside me or walked closely. But Alhamdulillah, after for few days I finally managed to overcome that and yeah, it's important to take a good care of the ikhtilat. Like seriously haha, why there's no any women's university here in Malaysia lol I would wish for one kekeke should I build one in the future? (That would be good too right?) So I guess that would be enough as an introduction lmao /claps/
It's already been few weeks since I met Lee Junyeong, the killer guy but I still can't move on lmao hahaha ooops sorry Do Kyungsoo's acting is just soooooo good! I mean, how come he gotta be so good as a killer asdfghjkl he really suits the dark character ;_; (lol maybe bcs he's always like that with his members aw how adorable he is). Thanks to the pd-nim for giving him a brief moment to shine brightly okay hahaha I am so biased lmao ;; And right now he's going to be very busy with Pure Love filming sobs I can't believe that he finally got a chance to be a lead character can you feel my happiness lol (but still I'm so jealous of Kim Sohyun sobs). Seems like Kyungsoo enjoyed the filming as well until he got quite tanned haha whoa, no joke (I don't even mind because tanned skin makes him looks sexier oops). Idk how to say this haha but seriously, I'm super impressed with Kyungsoo's acting.
And APink finally made their comeback hooooooray I'm so happy wheeeps and everything is just so perfect (the song is super catchy and highly recommended haha). Btw, APink was listed in the list of performers during MTV Worldstage 2015 this September asdfghjkl can you feel me guys I felt like crying because I'm one the person who requested APink to come and it's finally came true! I felt so blessed and happy because APink is finally coming back to Malaysia after three years. And sobs, I really want to meet them and since I'm studying here in KL there's quite a big possibility for me to go to the event ;_; I hope that someone could bring me to see them like seriously bruh I really really want to meet them! I'm on my way to buy the Pink Memory album and I hope that it would safely arrive to me in few weeks haha (omg I'm super excited because it's my first album ever!). So that's all I guess, haha I have to prepare myself for the presentation today and wheeps wish me luck. Till we meet again, adios!
And APink finally made their comeback hooooooray I'm so happy wheeeps and everything is just so perfect (the song is super catchy and highly recommended haha). Btw, APink was listed in the list of performers during MTV Worldstage 2015 this September asdfghjkl can you feel me guys I felt like crying because I'm one the person who requested APink to come and it's finally came true! I felt so blessed and happy because APink is finally coming back to Malaysia after three years. And sobs, I really want to meet them and since I'm studying here in KL there's quite a big possibility for me to go to the event ;_; I hope that someone could bring me to see them like seriously bruh I really really want to meet them! I'm on my way to buy the Pink Memory album and I hope that it would safely arrive to me in few weeks haha (omg I'm super excited because it's my first album ever!). So that's all I guess, haha I have to prepare myself for the presentation today and wheeps wish me luck. Till we meet again, adios!
“It’s like time has stopped when I see you,
without knowing, I keep looking at you.”
— Wonderful Love, APink’s Pink Memory.
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