Assalamua'laikum and hello, everyone! Finally, another post after being MIA (lol not that anyone actually cares). Btw, sorry if the gif above is so damn distracting lol my precious son Guanlin is just too cute ;_; So August came just in a blink and phew, I'm already at the end of my fifth semester. Soon, I will be going to enter my practicum session as soon as I ended my final examination (please pray for me and my friends ㅜㅜ) I still can't brain at the thought of kids calling me with the title "teacher" damn, it feels so surreal. Ah, whatever. There are a lot of good things happened in August though, I actually experienced a lot of new things. Well, the latest one was when me and my friends went to watch a horror movie at the cinema (uh-oh, lame). FYI, I never had an experience of watching one since I hate horror movies lmao but then I guess that I just broke the boundaries last Friday (kudos to myself lol). It was fun eventhough I keep shielding myself with my bag and missed most of the horrifying scenes but then I managed to show off to my friends that I can survive the challenge. It feels good though to spend quality time together since we barely manage to spend our time as we always did before. Screw the schedules. Yeah, I miss the good old days.

(From left: Hanis, Shaqirah, the cutest girl on earth, Iffah & Fara)
So that's us. Excuse our silly and not-so-cute poses lol, all of us are single for a good reason (istg I can't believe that I'm saying this). Our faces clearly showed that we had a good time, weren't we? And yeah, I just started wearing specs since last week and yeah, kind of getting used of it. Lol, sorry if it didn't look suitable on me but I'm just going to wear what I wanna wear as long as I am comfortable and happy yoohoo. There, no one would judge lol. I would love to upload a post-cinema pic but then all of us didn't really look presentable enough so nope hahahahahaha. Yup, that was before we went into the cinema and screamed at our best. Love these fellas to the moon and the back and the other planets (okay nope nope), hope that we'll make more memories together in the future! We might be separated during the practicum session but I hope we can still catch up y'all. Out of these five people, only Fara who didn't participate the practicum session since she's not from TESL course. However, she's still going to participate in internship programme for her accounting course. Alright, that's enough. I'm in need to express my Wannable feels.
These guys are Wanna One who managed to wreck my life with their high-quality talents and visuals istg are these guys even real? Alright, to be super honest I didn't really satisfied with the Top 11 line-up because my dearest son, Samuel and our Nation's leader, Jonghyun aren't listed but then I can't deny the chemistry that they have right now. It's like, it was already fated (oh, of course). I love this group so much ;_; It's just saddening whenever the fact that they are only going to last 1.5 years as a whole group. The growth of their popularity is definitely crazy though, damn 5 wins after the of debut are you even kidding? I can't wait to see what kind of concept they would try in the future. I love the debut album so much (but I'm currently broke so no buying albums ㅜㅜ), all the tracks are lit! Try to give it a listen and you surely gonna fall in love with it euhehehehe (lol). Also the members! I actually had a hard time to decide who is my bias because I thought that I love all of them equally but then- Lai Guanlin stole my heart and made me to betray my ownself about not being bias towards the member who is younger than myself. Ah, screw that. I'm just going to love Guanlin as a lovely cutiepie 동셍. So my point is, GO AND STAN WANNA ONE PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU ONLY HAVE A YEAR TO DO SO! Totally didn't want to repeat my mistake for stanning I.O.I damn so late sobs I started to have interest on them when they finished promoting Dream Girls and I was like so clueless about their contract. My heart shattered like a broken glass when I saw the news that they were going to disband on 2017. Please, can't they let Wanna One stay a little bit longer? OOOOOOOKAY. I'm emo, don't touch me.
Have a Jihoon's nae maeum soge jeojang before I ended this post! Take care minnasan, I will try to update more often (which is actually quite hard but nah). Perhaps I can share about my practicum experience later lol. Till then, adios people!
My other reason to be emo (facepalm).
Please tell Guanlin to stop being clingy with Jihoon because my heart can't handle the bromance between them lmao. Seriously, these two are so adorable! I love how Jihoon paid attention towards Guanlin unending love to him (coughs) he is a good hyung to Guanlin. My son deserves so much love from everyone huhuhu (emo again T.T). There are so many ships in Wanna One like: OngNiel, WinkDeep, Pink Sausages, JinHwi & etc but PanWink is my favourite obviously! Alright, that's all I think because it will keep being longer and longer if I continue with my spazzing.
Have a Jihoon's nae maeum soge jeojang before I ended this post! Take care minnasan, I will try to update more often (which is actually quite hard but nah). Perhaps I can share about my practicum experience later lol. Till then, adios people!
해안이 보이지 않는 것을 이겨낼 용기가 없다면 절대로 바다를 건널 수 없다.You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
My bias in Wanna One is Min Hyun. But all of the boys are equally lovely. It's hard to pick one as favourite.