Heart Attack.

Assalamua'laikum , Annyeonghaesayo and Bonjour ;

Seven springs ;~; I miss themmmm ;A;

Hai hai hai lol harhar actually kejap lagi nak pergi asrama dah ni tapi aku curi masa untuk buat update u.u Lol okay aku baru je dapat paper English haritu dan.. dan.. Aku dapat B+ tsk ;A; Sedih okay pfffft sebenarnya aku boleh dapat A huarghh /meraung/ Kalaulah aku sempat siapkan bahagian karangan tu sobs okay aku ambil ini sebagai satu pengajaran .__. //Untuk continuous writing baru tulis panjang-panjang. Note that. Sobs takpelah at least aku dapat B+ hoho sebab aku target aku dapat C+ je luls okay tak sangka ._.

Mohon sesiapa tolong bunuh manusia yang comel ini luls.

Wahaha okay aku tak perasan sejak bila aku terlampau addicted dengan manusia comel di atas itu pffffft haha okay -_- Lol Kyungsoo comel ahah benci aku tsk aku rasa macam nak flips dia berjuta kali sebab terlampau comel asdfghjkl. Dan aku rasa mungkin aku dah tahu siapa bias aku dalam EXO setelah sekian lamanya aku mencari hoho u.u Okay nonsense haha lol Kim Jong In tolong jaga manusia ini bebaik ya lol aku cinta manusia ini okay tsk ;A; 

Stop that Do Kyungsoo ;A;

Kyungsoo is better known as cold and quiet boy.

Secret Garden.

Assalamua'laikum , Annyeonghaesayo and Bonjour ;

Asdfghjkl my beautiful angels ;~;

Hewhew hello hello everybadehhh lol dah lama gila aku tak update blog kan harhar sepatutnya aku update masa balik rumah haritu tsk tapi disebabkan line internet aku macam pfffffft haha so yeah sobs ;_; Hish jangan-jangan angkara jerebu kut wahahahah xD. Haha okay lol aku nak fangirling APink ni omg serious aku rasa happy gilaaaaaa bila tahu yang mereka dah keluarkan teaser /jump jump/ Asdfghjkl comel gila okay teaser tu haha aku ulang beratus kali luls. 

Wahahaha my top bias lol ;A; Damn so gorgeous right lol.

Okay okay haha serious aku eksaited gilosssss hoho tak sabar nak tunggu MV tu keluar lol. Tapi kan aku sedih sebab APink dah tinggal enam orang sobs alangkah bahagianya kalau Yookyung boleh join comeback APink untuk kali ni ._. Hmmmm tapi dah tak boleh nak buat apa kan lol terima jelah kan dengan apa yang telah diputuskan cewahhh kemain lagi ayatnya -_- Apapun aku still anggap Yookyung sebagai member APink lol sebab bagi aku mereka tetap bertujuh tsk ;A; 

Comel gilaaaa okay haha *o*

Asdfghjkl manusia ni geram betul nak sepak je rasa harhar xD.

Hoho okay sekian sahaja lol aku kena rush ni banyak lagi kerja kena buat huhu u.u Lol manusia dekat atas tu hak milik aku okay jangan pandang lama-lama harhar /evil laugh/. Okay kejam gila kahkah -_- And lastly , jangan lupa jaga kesihatan kei haha bye.

Peterpan .

Assalamua'laikum , Annyeonghaesayo and Bonjour ;

Asdfghjkl , Do Kyungsoo you're damn so cute ;A;

Harhar ._. So ini adalah update untuk penghabisan cuti penggal kedua ini urgh aku masih belum bersedia untuk kembali ke sekolah tsk /menangis di bahu Kyungsoo/ Wuuuu ;~; Lol dahlah dekat sekolah nanti aku akan menghadapi result exam aku yang entah okay ke tidak ;_; Aku harap results aku okay lol , Amin. Ohya aku nyaris terlupa yang aku ada pertandingan Choral Speaking oh nooooo aku dah lupa skrip dia urgh /hantuk kepala dekat dinding/ Moga-moga aku sempat hafal balik fuhhhh.

HunHan asdfghjkl that was so real harhar.

Wahahah aku jatuh cinta betul dekat rambut Sehun lol harhar rambut skittles beliau kelihatan sungguh menyelerakan sehingga boleh membuatkan perut aku lapar ;_; //Somebody please slaps me haha -_- Okay , dulu aku cakap aku risau kalau Sehun buat rambut macam-macam warna tapi sekarang haha aku tak kisah lol sebab dia nampak asdfghjkl comel dengan rambut rainbow itu hoho. Tiba-tiba aku terbayangkan Kyungsoo berambut rainbow haha okay memang tak sesuai dengan dia xD. Tak apalah lol Kyungsoo kau jangan tukar hairstyle haha aku suka hairstyle dia yang simple tu u.u /hugs Kyungsoo/ 

#3YearsWithInfinite ;

Seven dorks.

Omg , dah tiga tahun rupanya Infinite dan aku telah bersama harhar cewahhh bajet sungguh ayat ni okay haha /flips hair/ Lol aku rasa macam baru je semalam aku tengok debut stage Infinite dekat Music Bank lol haha ._. Aku mula kenal Infinite sejak debut stage mereka dekat Music Bank haha tapi aku mula mencintai mereka dengan sepenuhnya pada tahun 2011. Wuuuu serious aku rasa tak menyesal minat mereka lol ;A; Haha , mereka dah diibaratkan seperti abang-abang aku sendiri harhar kalaulah mereka tahu hakikat ini tsk ;~; Aku perlu berterima kasih kepada yang berbahagia Encik Lee Jung Yeop kerana telah mewujudkan Infinite haha terima kasihhh pak cik lol /throws Namstar's hearts/ Aku harap Infinite akan mencipta kejayaan pada masa yang akan datang harhar.

It's already three years I spent with you guys even we are far apart but I feel like I have a connection with you guys. You guys make me proud to be the one of Inspirits. Thank you for making our days become happier. I hope you guys will always stay as SEVEN and create more success in the future. Remember , Inspirits will always love and support you guys. Infinite , hwaiting ! 
Lots of love ; Inspirit.

Bhahahah okay pedulikan English aku yang broken habis itu lol harhar lol tak terungkap cinta aku terhadap mereka bertujuh luls. Omo entah kenapa aku rasa yang penyakit greasy yang dimiliki oleh Woohyun telah menular di dalam diri aku harhar /tampar diri sendiri/ Apapun yang paling penting , aku harap Infinite akan sentiasa kekal sebagai Infinite. //Betul ke statement aku ni ? Hoho okay fine sekian sahaja update aku untuk kali ini sobs aku ingin mengucapkan selamat kembali ke sekolah kepada kalian semua haha aku akan menunggu cuti seterusnya untuk tiba okbyeeeee /blow kisses/.


Once Inspirit , forever Inspirit.


Assalamua'laikum , Annyeonghaesayo and Bounjour ;

Harhar , terserlah kehengseman beliau lol dengan senyuman itu /flips hair/

Okay haha terasa macam nak peluk je manusia yang dekat atas tu sampai dia sesak nafas lol harhar kyaaaaaaaa Son Dongwoon aku dah jadi 'bebi tua' rupanya harhar *o* Cisseuuu tak adalah tua mana luls baru 22 tahun haha muda lagi tu hekhek kiranya sempatlah kan lol aku nak mengurat dia hahah. //Impian yang tak kesampaian tsk ;_; Omg aku memang eksaited gila nak sambut birthday dia cuti ni hoho mujurlah line internet aku okay hari ni huargh dapat juga aku buat post sempena birthday suamiku yang tercinta ini /hugs Dongwoon/ Ahah rasanya dah empat tahun kan lol dia jadi ultimate bias aku harhar walaupun aku tak selalu tunjuk dekat orang yang dia ni sebenarnya bias aku yang mempunyai pangkat yang paling tinggi hahah mohon bangga okay /flips jambul Doojoon/ Cehhh , cara aku tulis macam dia baca pula kan harhar tak apalah ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk menyambut birthday beliau di samping spazzing dekat Twitter ._.

Huargh sobs aku buat poster simple je harhar memandangkan internet aku lembaps so tak dapatlah cari gambar-gambar yang lebih terkini /kesat hingus/ Tak apalah kan lol ini pun sudah cukup memadai hahah -_- Ohya aku lupa pula yang hari ni pun birthday HyunA haha bestnyaaaaa sobs dapat sambut birthday dengan Dongwoon tsk jeles aku ;A; Mesti syok gila mereka berparti sakan dengan Cube Family hoho kalaulah aku boleh join sekali kan ;~; Okay maybe boleh join tapi dalam mimpilah wakakakaka /hantuk kepala dekat dinding/.

Kau tetap nampak handsome lol dengan rambut merah itu ;--;

                                Dear Son Namshin ;
I know that you wouldn't able to read this but I still want todo it harhar. Firstly , I want to wish a very happy birthday.I hope you will keep growing and always try to be the best forSwooners and B2UTIES. Always remember that we will always support you and BEAST. And yeahh , please take care of yourselfokay I don't want you to be sick because it will hurt me so much ;A;I also hope that you will be a good maknae and always listen wellto your hyungs okay haha I know that you are a good boy right sokeep that lol *o* Lastly , I will always love you and adore you. Thanks for making me happy all these years. Keep singing and shiningas you always be and no need to worry because B2UTIES will always be there for you.
                                              Lots of love ; Son Haera {Your lovely sister}

Tsk , okay puhlese stahp being hawttttt sobs ;A;

Fuhhhh , akhirnya siap juga lol madah cinta aku buat Dongwoon harhar mohon jangan muntah berwarna-warni ibarat rambut Sehun okay lol /flips rambut skittles Sehun/ Jyeah , tak sabar nak tunggu comeback BEAST bulan Julai ni hoho tsk tapi kalau dibuatnya mereka comeback time aku dekat asrama nanti aku pula yang mental breakdown nanti pffffft -__- Bhahahah whatever lah yang penting mereka comeback kyahahaha *o* Okaylah luls aku nak sambung menggila di Twitter harhar bye-yeoms /waves/.

Btw , siapa murah hati nak belikan aku album EXO XOXO Kiss & Hug keempat-empat versions harhar sobs aku nak sangat semua album tu tsk ;A;

Nothing better than you.

Tagged .

Assalamua'laikum , Annyeonghaesayo and Bonjour ;

Lol pehal senyum cemtuuuuu tsk /melting/

Hoho hello kalian semua harhar aku baru pulang dari Pulau Kapas sejak tiga hari yang lepas okay Pulau Kapas teramatlah best huargh rasa macam tak nak balik je haha. Okay lol tadi Aera tweet suruh check cbox sebab beliau kata beliau ada tag aku harhar tapi bila aku check rupanya ada dua orang manusia lagi yang tag aku lol haha. Eksaited juga aku apabila ditag kahkah thankseuuu kepada Aera , Haseena dan Berry kerana sudi menge-tag diri ini haha /throws hearts/. Okay lemme start with the rules lol.

Rules :
  1. Post this rules 
  2. Write 11 thing about yourself 
  3. Answer the question the tagger set to you 
  4. Create 11 new question for those you want to tag 
  5. Choose 11 bloggers to be tagged and link them to the post 
  6. You are not allowed to tag back
11 Things About Me :

  1. I have a long name lol.
  2. I'm the eldest among my siblings.
  3. I love to eat so much.
  4. I hate Mathematics. My brain suffered enough because of Maths lol.
  5. Love to read fanfics. I read Pinkfinite the most.
  6. Faith B2UTY and KAMILIA. Son Dongwoon and Jung Nicole are my ultimate biases lol actually harhar.
  7. I love English and History so much. I will cry if I don't get an A for my English paper lol and idk why I acted like that. ICT is one of my favourite subject too lol.
  8. I'm such a 'blurr' person ._. Lol this is true haha -_-
  9. I have a pair of big eyes like Kyungsoo haha /flips hair/
  10. I have short-sightedness but I didn't wear spectacles lol ._.
  11. My favourite colour is blue actually but Myungsoo makes me addicted to black lol /flips vampire/.
Questions from Haseena ;

Bila birthday korang ?

15th December 1997 ._. Lambat sungguh menunggu hari tersebut untuk tiba lol /sigh/.

Idol mana yang sama birthday dengan korang ?

Harhar Xiah Junsu ._. Bangga juga sebenarnya lol sebab beliau bias aku dalam JYJ selepas Yoochun harhar /flips hair/.

Apa yang korang akan buat kalau haters kutuk K-Pop , bash them or ignore them?

Aku pilih ignore haha ._. Sebab bagi aku haters akan lebih suka apabila kita bash diorang balik lol dan ini bermakna mereka telah berjaya untuk mematahkan kesabaran para K-Poppers. //Lol betul ke statement aku ni -_-

Nyatakan 3 group yang paling korang minat.

  • Beast
  • Infinite
  • B.A.P
Lol sebenarnya banyak lagi okay haha ._.

Kalau bias korang buat collab dengan girl idols , siapa perempuan tu ?

Lol soalan ni aku suka haha *o* Bias aku dalam Beast ialah Dongwoon jadi kalau boleh aku nak tengok dia buat collabration dengan Nicole lol haha tak tahu kenapa maybe sebab kedua-duanya ultimate bias aku harhar. Dan kalau boleh aku nak Infinite buat collabration dengan APink tsk ;~; Woollim dengan Cube bersatu harhar tak mustahil kan lol. Kalau B.A.P pulak hmmmm aku tak tahulah lol haha tapi aku suka kalau Yongguk buat collabration dengan Jieun okay *o* //BangSong forever.

Senaraikan 3 OTP yang korang suka.

  • MyungEun
  • WooRong
  • HoJi
Lagu apa yang membuatkan korang feeling.

  • When The Door Closes by Son Dongwoo and Yoon Doojoon.
  • Dear Kamilia by KARA.
  • Like A Dream by APink.
  • Feel So Bad by Infinite.
Sebenarnya banyak lagu juga yang buat aku feeling haha terutama sekali lagu When The Door Closes. Waaaahaaaa masa first time aku dengar lagu tu aku terus nangis lol suara Dongwoon memang menusuk jiwa dan kalbu aku tsk.

Subjek apa yang korang suka ?

Ermmmm haha aku suka subjek Sejarah , English dan ICT. Wuuuuu kalau tak dapat A dalam tiga subjek ni rasa macam nak nangis je lol ;A;

Dalam kelas selalu dapat nombor berapa ?

Haha aku ni bukanlah pandai yang teramat sangat lol jadi haha rahsiaaaaaa ;A; Tapi yang paling penting sekali ialah aku tak pernah dapat nombor last dalam kelas okay itu sudah cukup membanggakan sobs ;A;

MV mana yang paling korang suka ?

Banyaaaaaak sebenarnya. Tapi aku rasa yang paling aku suka ialah MV Winter Magic KARA lol hahaaaa okay ini bukan MV tapi PV kahkah tapi sama jelah tu kan ._. Lol aku suka tengok PV ni sebab mereka semua comel-comel harhar lagipun PV ni banyak versions hoho *o*.

Blog siapa yang korang selalu lawat ? Sertakan dengan link sekali.

Oh aku suka lawat blog Kak Nabilah Faridz muahaha sapa tak kenal dia lol okay harhar. Aku pun tak tahu kenapa aku sangat tertarik dengan blog beliau tapi memang bila aku balik je dari asrama aku akan buka Google Chrome dan pergi dekat search pane kemudian taip "behindmysoom.blogspot.com" harhar dah jadi habit lol \*o*/

Questions from Aera ;

What makes you start blogging ?

Oh actually I don't remember lol but I created this blog because it is one of my ICTL assignment during Form 2 harhar. And yeah I started blogging because well I dunno but blogging looks fun haha.

If you found a magic lamp , and genie pops out of it , what would be your 3 wishes ?

  • First wish - I would wish to have an intelligent brain lol so that I can solve Add Maths questions easily harhar.
  • Second wish - I would wish for a huge and beautiful castle and lemme be the princesss at the castle. The castle must have a big library filled with English novels so that I can spend my time there lol.
  • Third wish - I would wish for a unicorn or pegasus. Haha , I know that it sounds nonsense but still I like it lol. I already dreamt riding the pegasus with Dongwoon happily harhar.

If I invited you to join me for vacation somewhere , would you say yes ? Why ? And would you invite me too ?

Vacation with you ? Lol of course I want harhar let's go to Paris for our vacation lol it must be fun to be with you there harhar *o* And of course I would invite you too since you have invited me.

Do you have a crush ? (Real life person , not a celebrity) Give a brief introduction about him.

Omg this question haha ._. Actually I'm the person that didn't have any interest with boys except my biases. But last year there's a person who caught my eyes and that was the first time I have crush on someone lol. Well , I met him at a motivational program at his school last year. He's the mentor of my group and yeahh I bet that he's a good student lol. And he is a pious person lol because according to my friend , he is one of AJK Badar at his school. I owe him a lot for teaching me Arabic lol tsk I really hope that I can meet him again ;~; I once dreamt I met him at a mosque and he's asking about my PMR results lol okay what weird dream haha ._.

I'm currently writing some fan-fictions. Do you have any awesome ideas that you would love to share ?

Oh really ? Don't forget to give me the link lol so I can read it haha ._. Well , I don't have any ideas right now haha maybe next time u.u

Pandas or Polar Bears ?

I prefer Pandaaaaas haha because they are asdfghjkl so cute than the polar bear which is only in plain white lol -_-

What's the saddest and sweetest movie / drama that you've ever watched ?

Lol I don't remember /slaps myself/ But I like a K-Movie which titled "Our School E.T" which starred by Lee Minho and Park Boyoung. The movie is about an P.E teacher who struggles to learn English so that he can stay to be a teacher at the school. It touched me so much to see the teacher's sacrifices. I should say that the sweetest movie that I ever watched is "Twilight" haha but I didn't have time to watch the Breaking Dawn I and Breaking Dawn II yet lol okay maybe next time ;_;

What is your favourite song ? When you listen to it , what would be in your mind ?

I have so many favourite songs lol -_- And yeah I love to listen Amazing by Infinite because I would start imagining a MV inside my head which starred by Infinite and APink haha ._. 

List the name of your loved ones.

  • Ummi and Abah.
  • Siblings.
  • Whole family.
  • My friends. //Heart them so much.
  • Biases.
  • Anis {Haeri}. //My bubibu.
  • Leo and Lulu {#TeamBiniBiniMaru}.
  • Aera /throw hearts/.
  • Aishah. //My madu Kyungsoo lol *o*
  • Senior Hanis.
  • Woonie unnie lol.
  • Members of #TeamInspiritGila.
  • Members of #TeamB2UTYCun.
  • Members of #TeamPinkSpiritComel.
  • KPoppers.

What would you do if you were caught in a triangle love with your bestfriend ? Will you give up the guy , or fight for him even though it means you have to fight with your bestfriend ?

I will give up lol because I love my friend more harhar ;~; Friends are everything for me sobs ;--;

What do you think of me and my blog ?

Your blog is so cute haha so do you lol. I love you Aeraaaaaa haha /throws hearts/.

Questions from Berry ;

What is your purpose why are you blogging?

Erm. I think blogging is fun lol haha *o*.

Are you friendly? If NOT, Why?

Haha I dunno lol -_- What do you think of me haha ?

If someone will grant your wish, what is it?

Please gimme a cute unicorn or pegasus lol I really want them tsk ;_;

What is your favorite english song ?

Lol it's been such a long time that I didn't listen to English lol haha but I think my forever favourite English song is Can I have This Dance by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.

For you, what is LOVE?

For me , LOVE is something which is abstract. Each human have it and feels it. After all , LOVE is something which is important lol ._.

What is your motto in life?

My motto : Not all of us can do great things , but we can do small things with a great LOVE.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

  • Dork.
  • Weird.
  • Ordinary.
What is your dream? Do you want to become it true? Why?

My forever dream is to be a teacher lol haha it's damn so true okay ._. And of course I want it to become so true harhar. I want to make sure that all of my students are excellent in their studies so that Malaysia will become a great country harhar. //Cheesy right ?

 If you were a thing, what is it? And why?

I want to be Kim Myungsoo's camera lol harhar I know that he loves his camera so much sobs it must be nice to be held by him lol -_-

What is your favorite country except your place? WHY?

Wahahaha I love South Korea actually but I think my answer would be Paris. I really want to visit it with my friends and family lol and if I was married , I want to have my honeymoon there haha. Paris is called 'City of Love' omg it sounds so romantic right harhar /dreaming/.

Can you be my friend? If yes. Chat me and give some words that can make me feel special friend of yours. If not, chat me too and tell me what is your reason. Ok?

Well , of course yes harhar. I think you're gonna be a good friend lol haha *o*.

Hoyeah akhirnya siap juga lol jawab semuanya *o* Haha , semua soalan mencabar minda aku okay kahkah minta maaflah English aku memang teruk time cuti ni haha -_- /slaps myself/. Jadi mari kita teruskan kepada soalan okay u.u

My Questions :

1. State the name of your top 3 biases.
2. What makes you adore your biases so much ?
3. Are you a fan of APink ? If yes , what's your hope on them ?
4. Have you been to any concerts ?
5. List all KPop merchandises that you have.
6. What song that will make you cry ?
7. What is your favourite fanfic ? State the title and the author of the fanfic and also the link.
8. What will you do if your bias is standing in front of you ?
9. Who is the person that you love to fangirl with ? State her/his name.
10. Which you prefer , Facebook or Twitter ? Why ?
11. State the first K-Pop group that you love.

Tags :

Okay done lol harhar tak adalah complicated mana soalan aku kannn *o* Bye-yeoms lol /blow kisses/.